Whether its migraines or the occasional tension headache, acupuncture can help treat and prevent the occurrence of headaches.
In Chinese Medical theory, pain is viewed as a blockage of energy and blood to the head, or a deficiency of energy and blood reaching the head. Poor diet and an underpowered digestive system can cause a layer of "fog" in the brain, causing a heavy headache that feels full and like a tight band around the head. Excessive emotions such as stress can cause tight muscles, leading to tension headaches, and headaches that occur with the menstrual cycle. Emotions such as anger can cause an upsurging of energy (and usually raised blood pressure) to the head. A trauma to the head such as a concussion or car accident can cause blood to get "stuck" in the head and neck, causing painful sharp pain in the head. On the other hand, an underpowered blood flow to the head can cause a dull, empty headache, because the needed nutrients, blood, and energy cannot reach the head. People with these types of headaches may get dizzy when standing up and have lower blood pressure and fatigue. While ibuprofen and certain migraine prescriptions may offer relief for a current headache, it is often a "band-aid" fix that is used indefinitely. Acupuncture can help to decrease the severity of a headache, and more importantly, prevent them from occurring in the future. Whether it's the occasional tension headache, or severe and persist ant migraines, acupuncture can help to bring you to a more pain-free life. And even better, the side effects are often better sleep, more energy, and improvement in overall health.
1 Comment
10/7/2012 04:06:05 pm
Thank you. It is very interesting.
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AuthorCheryl House, L. Ac., DACM, FABORM Archives
November 2017