What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of thin, sterile needles at specific points on the body. It is part of a system of medicine that developed in China over 2000 years ago. Through a carefully chosen prescription of points, balance is restored to the body. Acupuncture utilizes the body's natural ability to heal, resulting in better health, increased vitality, and reduced pain. Other Chinese medical treatments are explained on our services page.
What conditions does acupuncture treat?
Conditions we can help with include:
- Neck Pain
- Low Back Pain
- Shoulder pain, knee pain, Arthritis
- Stress
- Headaches
- Digestive Issues - Acid Reflux, IBS, Constipation, Chron's
- Insomnia
- Anxiety, Depression
- Women's Health - irregular cycles, painful periods, PMS, PMDD, PCOS
- Fertility - IUI/IVF support, poor egg quality, poor responders, PCOS, Diminished ovarian reserve, endometriosis, thin uterine lining, irregular cycles, unexplained infertility, secondary infertility
- Fertility - trying to conceive naturally
- Male fertility - low count, motility, volume, poor liquefaction, low morphology, unexplained infertility
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Postpartum complaints - low milk production, pelvic pain, postpartum anxiety and depression, low back pain
- Menopausal complaints - Insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety/depression
- Pregnancy - safely find relief from hip and back pain, nausea/vomiting, heartburn, breech presentation, anxiety and depression, headaches, hemorrhoids, swelling of hands and feet.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Most people experience minimal discomfort, if any, during an acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture needles are MUCH thinner than the hollow hypodermic needles that you are used to - you can up to 20 acupuncture needles inside one hypodermic needle. Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and flexible, with tips specifically designed for painless insertion. While the needles are in, many people take a nap and feel a deep sense of relaxation and well-being.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture regulates the flow of qi in the body. Qi is the "vital energy" of our body, which gives function and movement to our body's internal organs, muscles, and bones. Similar to the way blood circulates through blood vessels, qi circulates through channels called meridians that run along the surface of the body from the tips of our toes all the way to the top of our head. These meridians connect deeper into the body to supply our muscles, bones, and organs with the energy they need to function properly. Without qi, we could not move, feel emotions, eat, digest food, repair, or grow - we would be a lifeless lump of flesh.
Through the stimulation of acupuncture points on these meridians, the acupuncturist can move the "stuck" qi, add qi to the body, or help it flow in the proper direction. When our qi is moving properly through the meridians, our organs are functioning well and we enjoy good health and balanced emotions. Acupuncture points on the surface act as a type of switchboard to restore proper functioning of our muscles, nerves, organs, and hormones. Acupuncture helps to assure the optimal functioning of our mind and body so we are able to prevent health problems before they occur.
Western medicine has several different theories for how acupuncture works. One is that acupuncture stimulates the body to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers that reduce our perception of pain. Other theories say that acupuncture stimulates nerves that reach the brain faster than pain signals can reach the brain, thereby blocking the sensation of pain. Another theory says that the acupuncture takes advantage of the interconnectedness of our peripheral and central nervous systems.
Through the stimulation of acupuncture points on these meridians, the acupuncturist can move the "stuck" qi, add qi to the body, or help it flow in the proper direction. When our qi is moving properly through the meridians, our organs are functioning well and we enjoy good health and balanced emotions. Acupuncture points on the surface act as a type of switchboard to restore proper functioning of our muscles, nerves, organs, and hormones. Acupuncture helps to assure the optimal functioning of our mind and body so we are able to prevent health problems before they occur.
Western medicine has several different theories for how acupuncture works. One is that acupuncture stimulates the body to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers that reduce our perception of pain. Other theories say that acupuncture stimulates nerves that reach the brain faster than pain signals can reach the brain, thereby blocking the sensation of pain. Another theory says that the acupuncture takes advantage of the interconnectedness of our peripheral and central nervous systems.
Is acupuncture safe?
Yes, acupuncture needles are regulated by the FDA, and come in a sterile, vacuum sealed package. Acupuncture needles are disposable and are discarded in a sharps container after one use. When performed by a licensed acupuncturist, there is minimal risk involved in acupuncture. If you have any further questions or concerns about the safety of acupuncture, please call our office or schedule a free 15 minute phone consult.
Does your office take insurance?
Yes, We are in network with the following health plans:
Please note that you may have acupuncture coverage, but not for your specific complaint. It's best to call your insurance company prior to coming in to ask:
- Aetna
- First Choice
- Blue Cross - Premera
- United
- Kaiser (formerly Group Health)
- Veterans - We are an in network provider for Triwest. *Referral from the VA is needed before scheduling your appointment.
- PIP: auto accidents
- Cigna - We are out of network with Cigna. Payment is due at the time of service, and we can provide a superbill for you to submit to your insurance.
- Regence - We are out of network with Regence. If you have out of network acupuncture benefits, we may be able to bill on your behalf. Otherwise payment is due at the time of service, and we can provide a superbill.
- L & I: Coverage for low back pain only, with referral, starting 10/1/2017
- No insurance-paid acupuncture coverage for Medicare, Medicaid, Apple Care plans.
Please note that you may have acupuncture coverage, but not for your specific complaint. It's best to call your insurance company prior to coming in to ask:
- Do I have acupuncture benefits?
- I want to be treated for: (headaches, neck pain, stress, fertility, etc), do I have acupuncture coverage for this condition? How many visits per year?
I still don't like needles...can I get a treatment without them?
Yes, acupuncture is only one component of the system of Chinese Medicine. Other therapies that are equally as effective include:
- Herbal Therapy
- Moxibustion
- Cupping
- Gua Sha
- Chinese massage (tui na)
- Acupressure
- Qi Gong
- Dietary therapy
- Lifestyle modifications
How does acupuncture help with fertility?
Acupuncture can help with conditions such as low sperm motility, low sperm count or volume, PCOS, endometriosis, thin lining, irregular ovulation, short luteal phase, low ovarian reserve, and poor egg quality. Based on your signs and symptoms, lab work, tongue and pulse diagnosis, I will come up with a Chinese medical diagnosis and corresponding acupuncture points to help support your body’s health. We can do treatments while you are trying to conceive naturally, or while you are doing IUIs or IVF. We track improvements through evaluating your tongue and pulse, lab work, basal body temperatures, and other symptoms such as menstrual pain and PMS. The frequency and duration of treatment will depend on your diagnosis and health history.
Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?
Yes, you can safely get acupuncture treatments throughout your pregnancy when performed by a licenced acupuncturist familiar with acupuncture during pregnancy. During the first trimester, we can address nausea, headaches, pain, anxiety, spotting, threatened miscarriage. During the second and third trimesters we can help with hip and low back pain, insomnia, breech babies, hemorrhoids, swelling, acid reflux, and rib pain. Please tell us if you are pregnant or if you are trying to become pregnant so we can modify your treatments accordingly.
I feel fine and don't have any health complaints. Can I still benefit from acupuncture?
Yes, Chinese Medicine is a great way to keep your immune system functioning optimally so you don't catch the cold or flu. It can also help you reduce stress, sleep more soundly, digest and absorb your food more effectively, optimize your performance in sports, and feel your best mentally, physically, and emotionally.
I ran out of my herbs or supplements, can i get a refill?
Yes, you can contact Cheryl to refill your herbs or supplements. If you prefer to order online, please contact the office for an access code to our online store located at: https://www.npscript.com/soundhealthacupuncture